Too many fans seem to be blown away
Good start, but then it gets ruined
This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
I really like the show. Some of my recommendations are please get rid of the phony drama. I think we have all seen it so many times that we know they are trying to make it exciting. Not exciting anymore. Also I would like to see it be a challenge and not a game. I think take this junk and make it into something is making it in to a game. The idea of having a room and making the furniture fit was good but I don't think any of the contestants fully understood what was required of them. I think Gaspar just lucked out and picked a color that fit in the room but none of them got the dimensions right except the length. I wonder if they started with a room then every week they designed and built a piece for the room. Each building the same piece. Then when they got to the end they had a room full of furniture that fit their style. I really thought Carley had the nicest couch but it didn't fit in the room. But I would love to see it in a room of her designed furniture. I would rather see more of the designing and building techniques rather than the phony drama.
i had looked forward to this but Jeez, the problems. It's sad because the designers were talented. First, if Ellen can only pop in for one or two shows in her usual "outfit" to try and be funny then why call it her show? Second, the judging was almost exclusively female with phrases like "too masculine" heard frequently. Thirdly the judging was far more subjective than objective, the goal was furniture design - not satisfying individual taste.Then the finale. The best two made it but the "disqualification" was dumb. Tim has a huge business and has designed numerous pieces. Yes, the pieces resembled one another - except for the lay of the wood, drawers, legs, lines and size. LOL
I have absolutely loved the show. I hope they do the show every year. BUT.....has anyone else not noticed that you know who is kicked off the show BEFORE the finale'? Each commercial before the finale' practically divulges who won't be on the next show. I knew Carley was going to be kicked off because the commercial for the preview for the next week did not include her. Then, the show on Sunday's commercial showed Ellen talking to Tim and Katie only (before the finale'), which said to me that Gaspar was going to be kicked off . I think I can even determine who is going to win the finale' from the commercial. As the confetti is falling, you can see one of the final contestants steps back out of the way. I won't give it away because I don't want anyone else to be as disappointed as I was. So, don't watch the finale' commercial. OK? Am I the only one who noticed that??
The show is fun and each episode you can see beautiful pieces of furniture being made from start to finish! How cool?! I love the host Jay and the two women who judge it week to week. They all seem to genuinely care about the work being made for them. It's always exciting to see who will be the guest judge because it is always someone super talented and respected. Ellen isn't always on the show in person, but she is executive producer. I think a lot of people expected her to be on a lot due to her name being in the title, but I think that is more because she created the show and works on it behind the scenes. So the name does fit despite you nay sayers complaining over the little bit of Ellen you see in the episodes. I do love when she comes on though, always funny as usual. On her talk show she discussed more contestants for next season, which would be awesome (plus there will be more seasons, which is also awesome!!). I think you get to go on more of a journey with a show like this when there is more competition. Love it and can't wait to see what other beautiful items are created during the rest of the season!!