WWE No Way Out 2002

2002 "A Triple Mai Event... a new world order"
6.7| 3h0m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 17 February 2002 Released
Producted By: World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://www.wwe.com/shows/nowayout/2002/

No Way Out (2002) was a professional wrestling PPV that took place on February 17, 2002 at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The biggest angle for No Way Out was when Vince McMahon revealed that he would unleash the New World Order (nWo) upon the World Wrestling Federation in an attempt to "kill (his) creation". The Main Event saw Chris Jericho defend the Undisputed Championship against Stone Cold Steve Austin. Triple H faced Kurt Angle in a number one contender's match, The Rock competed against The Undertaker, Edge fought William Regal in a Brass Knuckles on a Pole match, and the Tag Team Championships were one the line between Tazz & Spike Dudley versus Booker T & Test.


Drama, Action

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Kevin Dunn

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World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)

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WWE No Way Out 2002 Audience Reviews

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
amanwhorocks Oh no, NWO is back and perform some pathetic speech.1. WWF Tag Team Gauntlet: Scotty 2 Hotty/Albert Vs. Christian/Lance Storm Vs. Dudley Boyz Vs. Billy&Chuck Vs. APA - Bradhshaw destroyed Bill Gunn with his Clothesline from Hell. 7.5/10 2. RVD Vs. Goldust - Pleasure to see RVD defeat freaky stiff Goldust. 8/10 3. WWF Tag Team Championship: Champs-Tazz & Spike Dudley Vs. Booker T./Test - Wow Tazz Tazzmissioned Test! 7/10 4. Intercontinental Championship: Edge Vs. Champ-William Regal - Weaker than previous bouts, still good. Regal retained 7/10 5. The Undertaker Vs. The Rock - The heat turned into this match, Taker is heel again (and not so good heel) and I have to admit, that this match was pretty average. 6/10 Curt Hennig's appearance! 6. #1 Contender Match: Kurt Angle Vs. HHH - Stephi was special referee and obvious was that Kurt Angle will win. OK. 7/10 7. Undisputed Champion:Y2J Vs. Stone Cold- Most of the match Jericho got the beating, then he retained. 7.5/10
Prankster_57 Well this was one hell of an event. With one major disappointment and that being the NWO(New World Order) !Tag Team Turmoil(Winners get a tag team championship title shot at Wrestlemania X8.Hardy Boyz vs Dudley Boyz vs Christian & Lance Storm vs APA vs Scotty 2 Hotty & Albert VS Billy & Chuck. This was a great match, with the winner(s) or the match to get a tag team title shot. Fast match, alot of high flying moves(thanks to the Dudleyz & Hardyz) We also get the pleasure to see the worm by Scotty to hotty! The APA ended up winning the match and will head to Wrestlemania X8 to fight with the champions at that time. I give this match a 6!Goldust vs RVDSlow match, and it didn't get any better whatsoever! Goldust and RVD both didn't try to put on a good match, this match was a big disappointment. RVD shows some high flying moves, hitting Goldust left and right. Alot of 2 counts in this match, but it just didn't live up to the Hype that was put on it. This was a very big disappointment, I am a big fan of RVD. Sry Rob, 3!Tag Team ChampionshipTazz & Spike Dudley vs Booker T & TestThe only thing that saved this match was RVD. That little SOB is crazy! He gets powerbombed and everything. Test in my view never puts on an entertaing match, but on the other hand Booker T did a great Job. Thanks to Spike & Booker this match gets a 8! Brass Knuckles on a Pole WWF(WWE)Intercontinental Championship William Regal vs EdgeThis was a pretty good match. Both man tried their best. William Regal got a long of boos when he came to the ring. He had a set of his own brass knuckles and got the win over edge to retain his IC championship shame! I give this a 5.The Rock vs UndertakerA very good match. Very faced paced match, these two are really great in the ring and it showed off tonight. I give this match a solid 9. This was a very good match, and one of the best matches on the card.NO.1 Contender Match Triple H vs Kurt Angel Special Guest Referee Stephanie McMahonNever trust a McMahon! This was a very entertaining match, Kurt & Triple H have very good chemistry in the ring. (one big pop in this match - the crowd starts to chant for Stephaine to take her shirt off, funny stuff)Triple H tries his best, but thanks to Steph he loses, and he gets no title shot at Wrestlemania. Stephanie gets knocked out early in the match, but comes back. The game lost. I give this match a 9.World Title Match Chris Jericho Vs Stone ColdStone cold carries the whole match. Jericho was not that good in this match. I'm a big fan of chris jerico, then the NWO comes out and attacks Austin, but the ref is down! Chris Jericho is down also, but he gets up and covers stone cold for the 1. 2. 3 thanks to the NWO. I don't think Austin would have lost if it wasn't for the NWO. The NWO wasn't done though, they came back in, Austin fought as long as he could, but he couldn't hold them off. They beat the hell out of austin, and got the spray paint out and turned austin over on his back and put NWO on there. The Return of the NWO was shocking, expecially at No Way Out! I give this match a 7. Just because Austin had to carry the whole match and Jericho hardly got to fight. Damn you NWO!
Big Movie Fan (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)Finally it happened. After an agonizing nine year wait, the mighty Hulk Hogan returned to the WWF...and brought his old NWO buddies along.The matches on this card were decent enough; I particularly liked the match between Triple H and Kurt Angle. The Rock VS The Undertaker was also pretty good. The rest of the matches were decent.However, it's the NWO that helped make this a great event. I must admit to being a very nostalgic person. Hearing the NWO theme tune at the beginning of the show brought back happy memories of me and my girlfriend sitting down to watch WCW Monday Nitro from 1996-1998 (The NWO's prime years). I was even more nostalgic about Hogan who I had watched as a wrestler since 1984.Throughout the show the NWO bumped into the big stars. They gave a six-pack to Steve Austin who threw it to the floor. And in a brilliant skit, The Rock sort of humiliated the NWO by making fun of their previous WWF careers (Scott Hall had been Razor Ramon and Kevin Nash had been Diesel whilst Hogan had been one of those altruistic superheroes of the 80's/90's.)Steve Austin battled Chris Jericho in an average main event and then the NWO showed up and handed him a beating. Memories of WCW circa 1996-98 came flooding back.All in all, a great card that really shook things up for the WWF (now called WWE).
Spawn Devil SPOILERS Match 1: #1 Contendership at Wrestlemania Tag Team Turmoil Match The Dudley Boyz vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. Lance Storm & Christian vs. Billy & Chuck vs. Scotty Too Hotty & Albert vs. The APA First two teams are Scotty & Albert and Storm & Christian. Christian hits Scotty with the unprettier for the elimination. Hardyz come out to the ring next, with Lita at ringside. Twist of fate followed by the swanton bomb on Storm for the elimination. Dudleyz come out to the ring next, with Stacy Keibler at ringside. Stacy enters the ring and pulls Matt's hair but Lita quickly enters and takes her out. Litacanrana on Bubba. Jeff hits a summersault plancha to the outside on Bubba. Matt rolls up Dvon for the elimination pin. Bubba and Dvon give Jeff a 3D on the floor. Dudleyz leave. Billy and Chuck come out to the ring next. Chuck superkicks Matt. Billy hits Matt with the fameasser for the elimination pin. APA come out to the ring next. Bradshaw hits Billy with the clothesline from hell for the pin. Winners: APAMatch 2: Rob Van Dam vs. Goldust Goldust clotheslines RVD out of the ring. Back in the ring RVD hits a dropkick. RVD spears Goldust in the corner. RVD with a standing moonsault for a two count. Goldust teases walking to the back. RVD throws Guldust over the security wall. RVD places Goldust neck first across the security wall and hits a corkscrew legdrop from the ring apron. RVD comes off the ring apron with a elbow into RVD. back in the ring Goldust hits the butt bump for a two count. Goldust places RVD back first on the turnbuckle and pulls down on his neck from the outside. Goldust with a knee drop for a two count. Goldust catapults RVD into the ropes. Goldust with a reverse chinlock. RVD with a backslide for a two count. RVD with a kick to the face. Rolling thunder by RVD for a two count. RVD misses the 5 star frogsplash. DDT by Goldust for a two count. RVD hits a spinning heel kick for a two count. RVD shrugs off the bulldog. RVD with a stepover heel kick. RVD goes back up top and connects with the 5 star frogsplash for the pin. Winner: Rob Van DamMatch 3: WWF Tag Team Championship Tazz & Spike Dudley vs. Booker T & Test Match starts off on the outside with Booker and Test attacking first. In the ring Tazz hits Test with a back elbow followed by a clothesline. Spike with a missile dropkick on Test. Spike fights out of a Test powerbomb. Spike rolls up Test for a two count. Booker kicks Spike out of Test's arms. Booker chops Spike in the ropes. Booker clotheslines Spike. Booker knocks Tazz off the ring apron. Double team on Spike. Test with running clotheslines on Spike. Test knocks Tazz off the ring apron. Test misses an elbow drop on Spike. Spike spears Test. Test counters the dudley dog by dropping Spike across the ropes. Booker with the axe kick on Spike. Spinaroonie. Tazz breaks the count. Spike with a tornado ddt on Booker. Tazz tagged in and cleans house. Tazz ducks Test's big boot. Tazzmission on Test but Test gets out with a headbutt. Spike hits Test with the dudley dog. Booker pulls Spike out of the ring. Spike posts Booker. Test rolls up Tazz and puts his feet on the ropes but the ref sees it. Test argues with the ref. Tazzmission on Test for the submission. Winners: Tazz & Spike DudleyMatch 4: WWF Intercontinental Championship Brass Knuckles on a Pole Match William Regal vs. Edge Edge attacks Regal on the outside. Backbody drop by Edge. Dropkick by Edge. Regal pulld Edge off the pole and to the outside. Edge tosses Regal over the security wall. Edgefollows over and hammers on Regal. Back in the ring Edge hits a missile dropkick for a two count. Regal drops Edge across the ropes. Regal stomps on Edge. Abdominal stretch by Regal. Edge throws Regal out of the ring. Regal pushes Edge off the pole to the outside. Regal follows out and delivers a double underhook suplex on the floor. Back in the ring Regal applies the regal stretch. Edge is bleeding from the mouth. Edge makes it to the ropes. Regal with a double underhook suplex for a two count. Edge crotches Regal on the ropes. Regal botches a powerbomb on the ring apron. Back in the ring Regal grabs the knucks off the pole. Edge comes up from behind and hits a belly to back suplex. Regal kicks the knucks out of the ring. Edge hits a spear. Edge goes to the outside and grabs the knucks. Back in the ring Regal punches Edge in the stomach and face for the pin. Regal obviously had his own knucks. Winner: William RegalMatch 5: The Rock vs. The Undertaker Rock runs to the ring and the action is on. Rock hits a flying clothesline. UT hits a big boot for a two count. UT chokes Rock on the ropes. Rock hits a botched swinging neckbreaker. UT hits a sidewalk slam for a two count. UT misses a big boot and gets hung up on the top rope. Rock knocks UT out of the ring. Rock follows out and sends UT face first into the ring steps. Rock clears off the announce table. UT with a back elbow. UT crotches Rock on the security wall. UT rolls in the ring to stop the count. Both men fight into the crowd. Rock whips UT into the hallway door. UT drags Rock back to the ring. UT with an elbow to the chest. UT with a leg drop across the ring apron on Rock for a two count. Rock fights back with punches. UT hits a ddt for a two count. UT puts on a bear hug. Rock hits a flying clothesline. Both men trade punches. DDT by Rock. Spinebuster by Rock. Rock goes for the people's elbow but UT gets up. Rock kicks UT between the legs. Chokeslam by UT for a two count. UT gets on his bike and the ref comes out. UT pushes the ref into the ring steps. UT grabs the lead pipe from his bike. Flair comes down and attacks UT. UT no sells it and delivers a big boot sending Flair on his ass. Rock ducks the lead pipe. Rock hits a spinebuster followed by a sharpshooter. Vince runs down but the ref holds him back. Rock pulls Vince into the ring and lays the smackdown. UT hits Rock from behind. Flair hits UT with the pipe. Rock bottom on UT for the pin. Flair walks to the back with the pipe. Winner: The RockMatch 6: #1 Contendership at Wrestlemania Special Referee: Stephanie McMahon Triple H vs. Kurt Angle Stephanie comes out to the ring first. For those wondering she did not have the same ref attire as Jacqueline does, it was more of a low cut top ref outfit. Fink has to reintroduce Stephanie as Stephanie McMahon, not Stephanie McMahon Helmsley. Before the match Stephanie reminds Triple H that she is in charge. Angle comes up from behind with a rollup to start the match for a two count. Angle punches Triple H in the corner. Triple H with a clothesline. Triple H kicks Angle down in the corner. Short arm clothesline by Triple H. Angle with a belly to back suplex. Angle clotheslines Stephanie out of the ring by accident. Triple H throws Angle out of the ring. Officials check on Stephanie while Triple H laughs. Tim White takes over as ref. Officials drag Stephanie to the back. Angle with multiple german suplexes for a two count. Overhead belly to belly suplex by Angle for a two count. Sleeper by Angle. Angle backs Triple H into the corner with punches to the head. Triple H counters with a powerbomb. Triple H with a high knee. Spinebuster by Triple H for a two count. Facebuster by Triple H for a two count. Angle knocks out the ref. Triple H with a neckbreaker on Angle. Low blow by Angle. Olympic slam by Angle. Stephanie comes back to the ring and makes a two count. Angle puts on the ankle lock. Triple H rolls through and kicks Angle into the corner into Stephanie. DDT by Triple H, no ref to make the count. Triple H pulls Tim White up but Angle knocks Triple H into him. Angle with a german suplex. Angle brings a chair in the ring. Triple H ducks the chair shot and hits a pedigree. Tim White makes the count but Stephanie drops an elbow on him to break the count. Stephanie kicks Tim White out of the ring. Triple H grabs Stephanie and attempts the pedigree but Angle breaks it up with 2 chair shots. Olympic slam by Angle for the pin. Stephanie and Angle celebrate up the ramp. Winner: Kurt AngleMatch 7: Undisputed Championship Chris Jericho vs. Steve Austin Jericho gives Austin the middle finger. Austin shoots one of his own back. Austin chops Jericho in the corner. Austin runs Jericho's head into the top turnbuckle multiple times. Clothesline by Austin. Swinging neckbreaker by Jericho. Jericho chops Austin in the corner. Austin clotheslines Jericho out of the ring. Austin follows out. Austin runs Jericho face first into the ring post. Back in the ring Austin buries his shoulder into Jericho in the corner. Jericho and Austin fight up the entrance way. Austin throws Jericho into the side of the semi trailer at the entrance way. Austin drags Jericho back to ringside. Both men trade chops. Back in the ring Austin crotches Jericho on the top rope. Austin follows up and hits a superplex. Austin hits a second superplex, and a third superplex. Clothesline by Austin. Low blow by Jericho. Jericho chokes Austin in the ropes. Jericho looks for the walls of jericho, but Austin gets out. Austin drops Jericho across the ropes. Jericho throws Austin out of the ring. Jericho follows out and Austin blocks a chair shot. Jericho bounces Austin's head on the announce table. Back in the ring Jericho chops Austin in the corner. Jericho misses the lionsault. Sleeper by Jericho. Austin catapults Jericho into the corner. Clothesline by Austin. Spinebuster by Austin. Powerslam by Austin for a two count. Bulldog by Jericho follwed by the lionsault. Jericho hits a second lionsault for a two count. Jericho chops Austin in the corner. Jericho counters the Lou Thez press with the walls of jericho. Austin makes it to the ropes. Jericho brings one of his belts in the ring. Austin knocks Jericho into the ref by accident. Spinebuster by Austin on the belt for a two count. Jericho with the breadown on the belt for a two count. Jericho with a running clothesline. Jericho knocks the ref out of the ring by accident. Austin locks on the walls of jericho. Jericho taps but there is no ref. Stunner by Austin. The nWo hits the ring and Austin attempt to fight them off but can't. Hall hits Austin with a stunner. Jericho gets the easy pin. Winner: Chris JerichoThe only good thing about this PPV was The NWO return and the Undertaker, Rock match. The rest was not really entertaining to watch. I give this PPV a B-