What makes it different from others?
How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.
The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
This is a CG film that makes Final Fantasy seem like a brilliant epic by comparison. The direction is sub-par, the story run-of-the-mill, the designs unappealing, and the "animation" (if you could call it "animation") just revolting. Just because things move doesn't mean they're animated. It doesn't appear that anyone involved with this production has any concept of communicating an idea to an audience. But to do that, of course, you'd have to have an idea, which this film has not one. This film has no audience, nor will it find one. A previous comment comparing it to Ed Wood films is being kind. At least Mr. Wood gave us some laughs, albeit unintentional. This film is just dead on arrival.
I have been following this one for a while because I knew Michael Dorn is in it and I finally got a chance to catch it during the Hong Kong FilmMart. I have always known that Mark Hamill has done a lot of voices for animation (and his work here is excellent as usual) but after reading the messages here I just have to say this for the record: Michael Dorn's performance in the movie is great! And I don't find the evil king character animated to his voice overacting at all... in fact it's done very well. In general, I like the non-human characters better (same feeling for Shrek2... I find the animation for Fairy Godmother and Prince Charming somewhat odd compared to say Shrek or the Cat). Even if you are not a Trekkie like me there to see (sorry, hear) Mr. Dorn, you will like this one. The story has a timely anti-war theme and the worlds and characters created by Moebius for this movies are just amazing.
I saw the focus group screen test in Hollywood on April 4, together with over 300 kids and their parents. The Moebius's design look great and I like the story. The kids love the animation, the landscape and the characters design are out of this world. The audience is very enthusiastic and they all applauded at the end of film!! I stayed behind with the focus group, to listen to what they like and don't like about the movie and the kids really love it. The focus group describe the color is so vibrant and the ANIMATION - which was almost universally described as "revolutionary," "unlike anything they've ever seen", "feels 3-D", "seemed real in places", "puffed out" The action of the battle scenes, fighting and chase scenes fully impressed them. The movie carry a positive massage of family unity and payback for the bad guy.The audience that i chat with really like it and they said they will highly recommend to other as well.I think the movie will become a classic for CG animation and I applauded the people who bring this on the big screen for us.
Robert Chan
With names like Mark Hamill of Star Wars and Michael Dorn of Star Trek, and the unique images of the French cartoonist, Moebius, I was really looking forward to seeing this animation. But alas, it was my one greatest disappointment during my film hopping at Cannes 2004. Once you can get past the over the top acting, and line deliveries that made ones skin crawl, there was still the pathetic comedy moments that in itself was comical to witness how really really really badly it was executed. For budding animators/film makers, this is one to study as an academic would study Ed Wood films from the 50s. I'll give credit to the sets, which were quite spectacular in some instances - I usually don't notice these sort of things in movies, but seeing how bored I was I guess my eyes wondered to the least displeasing thing, the background. If you hate someone enough, tell them to watch this one. Or, perfect as a drive-in movie with a hot date!