everything you have heard about this movie is true.
While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Brendon Jones
It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Frank K.
Again earth is in severe danger and needs to be rescued - so far, so good. Again the rogue scientist is up against the establishment... well you know the rest. All this could make up a good movie, but as all normal, unlikely disasters have already been put on screen, a new event needed to occur... Put short: I would fire the scientific adviser (if there was any at all) - science fiction usually does not need to care much to obey existing science but when a story is being formed around known scientific processes, errors in logic hurt the educated viewers ears and eyes.Some of the flaws (taken from the German version, maybe some are just translation problems?): No methane has ever burned without oxygen - certainly not in 80 miles altitude with a partial oxygen pressure in the range of that of a normal (not a high) vacuum on earth... No ozone layer ever has saved earth from any coronal mass ejection, nor could it ever do that, nor does it have ANYTHING to do with the effects described in the movie (it "saves" earth from EM UV radiation, nothing else)... No magnetic (->Van Allen) belt is located below the altitude the MAV ever obtained... and so on. The list of obvious factual errors is endless, very disturbing for any sci-fi fan who has an interest in real science, rendering the "PhD" guys in the movie to clowns.
I guess this is totally enjoyable entertainment if you are uneducated and uninformed. Comments by other viewers are shocking "A good theory??? "The sun catches fire???" My god I hope that is not the level of intelligence being produced by todays education system. This movie is the biggest load of BS I have ever had the misfortune to witness on a TV screen. The kind of screenplay I would expect from an 11 year old and if it was an 11 year old writing the screenplay I would understand and say; 'Not bad kid. Keep on trying.' If it wasn't for the cheap production and obvious low budget I would say that this movie reeks of global elitist scare mongering for their global warming campaign to have even more taxes implemented on an already overtaxed population. But surely they could afford a much higher budget and overall better actors (With the exception of Lou Gosset Jr and a few others - indeed the fact that they can keep a straight and serious demeanor through out the film shows that those few actors really are outstanding in their craft) but I suspect this film is aimed to appeal to the truly stupid people. The types who get robbed by Nigerians offering them millions for the low registration fee of $300 and their bank account details..... I would recommend film students (screen writers, directors & actors) watch this film as an example of what they should aspire not to create regardless of how much money they are paid. I was going to rate this film a 2 but I opted for a 1 because a 2 would really be stretching the bounds of truth, reality and justice (just like this film does from start to finish).
This movie as you can see by my rating, was complete drivel. Almost every plot event was coming a mile off. Satellites falling out of the sky cannot happen. There is something called "the Atmosphere" surrounding the Earth, which makes anything falling from space heat up to insanely hot. The SFX were mediocre bordering on bad, but they were brilliant compared to the acting and the plot. Blowing up the Arctic with nukes. Doesn't that just sound stupid, because that's what they did. I mean is spraying thousands of tonnes of ice into the air going to put out huge fires in the atmosphere, and then ice starts raining from the sky and everyone goes all happy-clappy. Its most redeeming feature was the unintentional humour at the actors trying to make the plot seem believable. I mean the whole atmosphere exploding due to methane. Methane can only burn at concentrations between 5 and 15%, and there are 1,745 parts per billion, which is about 0.000001745% of the total atmosphere. Just a little bit below 5%.
Avalanche, Buried Alive, Days of Destruction, Magma, War of the Planets, Volcano in New York, etc, etc, etc. Now this one.My boss loves his b-horrors and especially his b-sci-fi movies. This movie is pretty much the same as The Day after Tomorrow but even more predictable (and worst effects). The acting wasn't very good but not the worst and just led to the typical plot: Save the world! Now you sci-fi fans might want to see this but seriously, you might want to skip this. This is another typical sci-fi. Seriously there really isn't much point watching this. I know what your thinking. It can't be that bad. The special effects are cheesy. Go try something different and watch Hard Candy or Stay instead. If they don't appeal to you than go back to your Sci-fi's.