Sennen Tabito is the story of a dying piano player (played by Etsushi Toyokawa) who returns to his home town for the final days of his life. While there, he encounters the teenaged daughter of his childhood girlfriend. Her parents are both gone, and she lives with her grandmother. The piano player forms a sort-of paternal bond with her. Together, they rescue a man who tries to commit suicide, and he sticks around as a guest and is irritating. The relationship between the piano player and the girlfriend's daughter is very sweet.The movie is a little slow moving. There are few long sequences of dialogue in this movie, as the story tends to be propagated through the musings and behaviors of the characters. Overall, this movie is well acted. The ocean scenes are lovely, and the story itself is very engaging. I would recommend it to anyone who can enjoy movies that are devoid of fight scenes and massive explosions.