The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Alistair Olson
After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
I'll start by saying you'll probably need to watch the 1st part over again, it was difficult for me to remember who is who, the script should probably have included some sort of 'reminder'?
It is not a movie for oscar nominations nor will it be memorable but is entertaining all the same, a typical 'pop corn movie'. Nothing bad about it.
Some of the plot could have been simplified a bit, it looks like the writer needed to add some spice but it got a bit overdone.
Do not try to think what can be possible or not, is just a movie, a make believe thing to pass the time, not a tutorial video for magician :D
This time, we know the horsemen are not common thieves. Their new mission goes awry however when it is hijacked by a petulant villain who forcibly uses them to retrieve the very same piece of tech they wanted to expose.
How will they be able to achieve their goal and get out of the frying pan without jumping into the fire without their mentor around ?
If this does not sound very subtle, it is just because it isn't.We can't really worry about anything or care about the backstory. We can go along with the entertainment despite the feeling that everything will be alright in the end. The good guys will somehow defeat the childish villain and the evil twin (I kid you NOT) and everything will be explained. And that's the problem in a nutshell. No tricks or special effects can change the fact that it is pedestrian.
Has it's fair share of entertainment, but you can't beat the story of the first. With new characters introduced and a new setting, I actually found myself relaxing instead of guessing, as the plot twists and turns, like any magic trick it becomes less enjoyable the second time around, still worthy of a watch for the follow up, but as a stand alone film it doesn't quite hit the spot
I liked the first one. It was enjoyable, though it wasn't a great movie, and there's a reason it didn't win an Oscar.
This sequel is just plain bad. It takes everything enjoyable about the first one, and removes them.
For some reason they thought the stuff that didn't work as well as other parts was the stuff people wanted to see, so more of the nonsense was added.
Kind of boring, but not enough so to nap through.