Rachita Taneja, creator of SANITARY PANELS, a popular stick figure cartoon series known for its sharp socio-political commentary, has captivated young, liberal Indians. In December 2020, she faced legal prosecution for three of her cartoons, prompting a need for extreme caution not only in her art but also in her involvement in this documentary. The challenges and uncertainties they encounter during filming strengthen the bond between Rachita and the filmmaker, fostering introspection on their beliefs, privileges, and inner struggles. The wait for the legal outcome adds stress, hindering Rachita's work. She seeks guidance and support from like-minded individuals dedicated to amplifying their voices. The film explores Rachita's inner world and her creative expression, depicting a dystopian narrative where freedom of speech rapidly erodes. This documentary showcases the resilience of a young Indian woman facing persecution and censorship with humor and unflinching honesty.
Drawing a Line (2024) is currently not available on any services.
Sama Pana
Clin d'oeil Films