Discover the Gift

2010 "It's why we're here"
7.3| 0h30m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 12 November 2010 Released
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Within each of us, there are special Gifts simply awaiting discovery. The sense of joy, power, fulfillment, freedom, and unconditional love that we experience in our lives is directly related to these Gifts, yet so many of us have yet to unlock their full potential, leaving us longing for a sense of happiness and fulfillment. For sister and brother team Shajen Joy Aziz and Demian Lichtenstein, something was missing in their lives until they tapped into the power of their own unique Gifts, leading to a profound personal transformation that has enabled them to connect to the fullness of life. Their incredible personal journeys of spiritual growth have fueled their desire to share what they have learned and in Discover The Gift, they share their story and take us step-by-step through this journey of discovery which has the power to change not only individual lives, but can transform our entire world.



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Discover the Gift Audience Reviews

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
charlesxa3 What a bunch of malarkey. Welcome to the world of Demian Lichtenstein and Discover the Gift, a self-indulgent movie where a guy (who could be the least qualified person ever) tells you the secret to life. The movie uses interviews to give people advice on their life, focusing primarily on Lichtenstein. He claims to have a rough life, and discusses his anger with his sister. Text book definition of "first world problems". It's literally a movie about his temper. Now I've never really liked any of this spiritual mumbo-jumbo, and some of these interviews are preposterous and pointless. Many are equally self-indulgent. But the biggest flaw of the movie is that it is a collection of interviews where people act like car salesmen- they speak a lot, without saying much.My issue is not so much with the movie, but with the main character of the film itself. Demian Lichtenstein is known for his violent and sexist movies (3000 Miles To Graceland, Venus and Vegas). The movies he's made are the complete opposite to this movie. He's also infamously discredited his co-author and replaced her with his sister, another self-indulgent schoolteacher. The uncredited co-author ended up suing him.My main point? Why the hell would I believe this guy has the answer to life's questions? Watch the movie with a critical eye. Movies are fake, and this one's no different.
clarkstein Discover the Gift is an inspirational film from director/producer Demian Lichtenstein (3,000 Miles to Graceland). The audience follows his spiritual journey to self-fulfillment and reconciliation to his estranged family. Along the way, dozens of motivational speakers and spiritual gurus are interviewed (including David "Avocado" Wolfe, Sir Ken Robinson, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama) and shed light upon the path to inner peace and discovering one's gift. It is in these parts of the film where the film is at its strongest; the wisdom and insight displayed by them has opened my mind and my heart. The parts of the film that follows Lichtenstein's path to fulfillment are told in retrospect and therefore feel a bit weak but he makes up for it with beautiful scenery and masterful cinematography. The film offers other perspectives and Lichtenstein emphasizes that his journey is unique to him. And that is the ultimate point of the film, that one must open his/her mind and heart up to find their own path. But it is the how that is the hard part (or is it really that hard?) If you are at all interested in improving your life, check out Discover the Gift.
smorales3308 Why is that we do the things we do; why is that we like the things we like. It is an interesting thought! I love it! It is so important to understand yourself. Trying to improve your emotional intelligence might sound simple and easy, but in reality it is as hard as it can be!! In the movie "Discover the Gift" this is explained through awesome interviews and examples. The Dalai Lama, Michael Bernard Beckwith and Ravi Shankar along with many other motivational speakers helped to create a spectacular stepping stone to achieve 'emotional intelligence' and to find what is that you that you have to offer to the world. Some of the things that they talk about had been in my heart for years, but I had never been able to put it on words. In conclusion, I recommend this movie to everybody; not only for those who may seem lost!
grodemann I can't say that I've seen too many inspirational movies like Discover the Gift, at least not in their entirety. Like most movies that have a corresponding book, I usually prefer the book more than the movie and the same is true here. However the movie does a really good job of expressing the book in the time allotted, It's almost as if the book is being narrated by the family remembering the incidents that brought this book into print. All of this is set to rather soothing, almost hypnotic soundtrack that plays through the majority of the movie.As for the content, I don't really want to spoil anything for you. There's a bit of a build up to finding out what the Gift is, and all the other original ideas Discover the Gift presents. In all honesty It's the wrapping the Gift comes in that impresses me the most. The Ideas are presented through the family experiences of Shajen Joy Aziz and her brother. These family experiences are really what makes this movie stand out from anything like it I've seen.