An action-packed slog
I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.
Mandeep Tyson
The acting in this movie is really good.
Francene Odetta
It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
I had read some reviews for this film, both on here and on another site, so I was prepared for the worst but let me tell you it was even worse than I'd anticipated, much worse in fact. Try to imagine the worst film you've ever seen, multiply by a hundred and you're getting close to the depths that this film sunk to. I just wish that 0/10 (or even a minus score) was an option.
This was my favorite Asylum film to date. It had action, bad puns, cheesy blood scenes. and they even threw in a few explosions. A few of the side actors were not that good at their jobs, like the guy who played Alexandra's boss, but the main characters seemed to all have fun and enjoy their roles. You have to realize going into this that it isn't some highbrow theatrical masterpiece. It's an action movie called 3 Musleters and takes place in modern times for crying out loud... You get exactly what that promises; nothing more, nothing less. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 if it weren't rated low by people who clearly took this movie too seriously. Personally, I laughed through most of this. And for the record, someone posted a "goof" about the stove during the explosion not being a gas stove and was therefore not a gas source for an explosion, but a lot of electric stoves are also gas stoves!
You never think a movie could be this bad, but it is. The movie starts out with a sexy bra and pantie scene, but the female talent is pale, out of shape and less than attractive. The camera work is beyond shaky and the video editing looks like it was done with Windows Movie Maker, Millennium Edition.The premise is good and with a bigger budget, better actors and more realist special effects, this could have been a cult classic, but when you use a credit card machine as a badge reader, you loose the audience. I didn't know that guy was trying to secure a room, I thought he was paying for a pizza.Thought this would be good for a laugh, but it's just a bad example about why some scripts should never be written and some movies should never be green lit. Unless you know someone in this movie or participated in the production, I say save your time and energy.
This movie was somewhat amusing. If you don't expect intelligent dialogs, awesome special effects and top-class actors you can watch this movie. Switch-off your brain and watch.The story is a typical good and bad thing without surprises. There are some would-be hackers with very unrealistic hacking methods, some would-be fighters, boring fighting scenes and a lot of low-level special effects at which I have to say that I have seen worse effects in other movies.I really liked the charisma of Alexandra D'Artangan (Heather Hemmens) and Isaac Athos (Xin Sarith Wuku). But most of the actors are completely lacking in acting performance. The bad guy Treville the Cardinal (Alan Rachins) is an inflexible old guy and simply not credible as a bad guy from my opinion.The camera work is awful. Too much switching (close, distant, close, distant...).All things considered the involved parties tried hard too make a movie with good effects but unfortunately they didn't managed it.